June 20, 2025 @ Yough Lanes, Connellsville, PA • 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Join us for a night of fun in Fayette County as we raise funds to strike out domestic violence! Up to 20 teams can participate and each team can have up to 5 bowlers! Registration is $50 per team and includes pizza, snacks, and non-alcoholic beverages.
To Register:
- Pick a team captain to register the team.
- Visit https://givebutter.com/DVSSPBo...
- Select 1 team ticket, and click purchase.
- Fill out the contact form and team information to complete your registration!
- For more information, contact Shannon at sd@peacefromdv.org or at 724-223-5477 ext. 121.

Sponsorship Opportunities Available
We are currently seeking support in the form of sponsorships, cash donations, and in-kind donations. Your contribution will make a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve and we are grateful for your support. All funds raised through DVSSP Bowling Night will help ensure that survivors of domestic violence and their children have a safe place to turn when it is most needed.
To learn more about how to become an event sponsor, contact Shannon Deely, Community Events Coordinator, at 724-223-5477 ext. 121 or sd@peacefromdv.org.