Help empower survivors, raise awareness, and create safer communities.
As a non-profit, DVSSP relies on the community to help us empower survivors, raise awareness, and create safer communities. There are so many ways to get involved, whether you volunteer, donate items, participate in Domestic Violence Awareness Month, or make a donation.
The current needs of DVSSP are just as unique as the clients we serve. Your financial donations give us the flexibility to respond directly to the greatest needs of the clients.
Financial Donations
Financial donations allow us to close the gap of needs for clients as they continue their journey after surviving abuse. Some of those needs include dinosaur party supplies for a toddler celebrating his birthday while living in our safe house, activating utilities for a survivor’s new home, providing a warm and peaceful meal for a dad and his children seeking refuge at our safe house, enabling a teenager to confidently attend his high school graduation in a new suit, last-minute Christmas gifts purchased for three children whose mother lost everything, except their lives, while escaping their abusive situation, and so much more as the needs of those we serve are as unique as the individuals themselves.
Volunteers help DVSSP beautify our properties, support survivors at court hearings, answer the helplines, facilitate birthday parties for children staying in our safe houses, and so much more. Without volunteers, we could not do what we do!

Anyone can help DVSSP raise awareness of our services
Contact our Prevention & Outreach department at or at 724-223-5477 to schedule a speaker for your group, to be added to our newsletter list, to get involved in Domestic Violence Awareness Month, or to help plan one of our events!