WCCF Gives is on Sept. 19!

The Washington County Community Foundation is pleased to annually host a countywide giving event to benefit local charitable nonprofits. All eligible contributions will be increased by a percentage of a $100,000 bonus pool made possible by the generosity of our sponsors and other contributors. The minimum contribution is only $25, but donors are welcome to give as much and to as many charities as they would like.
There are two ways to donate to DVSSP through WCCF Gives:
1) Online at www.wccfgives.org from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. on September 19, 2024.
2) We encourage credit card contributions but recognize that some donors are more comfortable giving by check. Checks should be made payable to “WCCF” and mailed directly to the Foundation at:
Washington County Community Foundation
1253 Route 519, PO Box 308
Eighty Four, PA 15330
When you mail your check, please include a completed WCCF Gives Check Contribution Form which is available to download here.