Coaching Boys Into Men-Male Sports

Athletic coaches play an extremely influential and unique role in the lives of young men, often serving as a parent or mentor to the boys they coach. Because of these special relationships, coaches are uniquely poised to positively influence how young men think and behave both on, and off, the field.
The Coaching Boys into Men (CBIM) program facilitates these connections by providing high school athletic coaches with the resources they need to promote respectful behavior among their players and help prevent relationship abuse, harassment, and sexual assault.
The CBIM curriculum consists of a series of coach-to-athlete trainings that illustrate ways to model respect and promote healthy relationships. The CBIM card series instructs coaches on how to incorporate themes associated with teamwork, integrity, fair play, and respect into their daily practice and routine.
DVSSP’s Male Engagement & Prevention Specialist works alongside coaches to train them in the program, provide feedback throughout the season, and offer assistance as needed.
Coaching Girls Beyond the Game-Female Sports

Developed by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV), Coaching Girls Beyond the Game (CGBG) supports coaches in creating safe spaces to talk about relationships, boundaries, and leadership.
Throughout the season, coaches guide their team through twelve conversations. These conversations prepare athletes to question, confront, and challenge aspects of teen dating violence. CGBG provides coaches with information and resources to promote healthy, non-violent, relationships.
DVSSP’s Male Engagement & Prevention Specialist works alongside coaches to train them in the program, provide feedback throughout the season, and offer assistance as needed.

Schedule a Training Session
To schedule an in-person or online program session or to get more information, call 724-223-5477 or email